Carpal tunnel syndrome
Pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm could be mistaken for carpal tunnel syndrome. However, in many cases the source of the problem is tension in the lower neck that is causing the nerves (brachial plexus) to be impinged (trapped). Once this tension is released, the nerves are able to restore communication to the arm and hand, and normal sensation can be felt again.
A problem in one area may have its source in a completely different part of the body, As was the case with a man in his forties who was experiencing numbness in his left hand, making it difficult for him to carry out his work.
He had been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, a compression of the median nerve in the wrist area. Surgery had been suggested, but he had kept putting it off. If he had lower back pain and knee pain, he decided to give Body Stress Release a try. After the first session his knee was more painful and he had sensation coming and going in the numb hand.
It became quite painful after the next session, and he started feeling tightness in his shoulders and neck. Finally after his fourth session, his hand felt normal again and there was no more pain in his knee.
The source of the problem
The lumbar spine had tension stored in the muscles, and as the compression to the spinal nerves was released, there was improved communication to the legs and feet. With the whole spine developing more mobility, he also became aware of the tension stored in his neck area. The nerves supplying the arms and hands emerge from the spine in the lower neck, therefore as the body stress was released, the nerve transmission to his numb hand returned.